Over the next few months we will be expanding our interaction classification system to include a new “yellow” interaction, which will sit between the original green and amber classifications. Yellow interactions are likely to be of weak intensity and as such, additional action or monitoring, or a dosage adjustment is unlikely to be required. However, healthcare professionals should be aware of the potential for an interaction as the clinical significance may vary on a patient by patient basis. Yellow interactions are already included on our HIV treatment selectors and were introduced to our Hepatitis interaction site earlier this year.
The introduction of the yellow classification to the HIV site will be on a phased basis. Any new drugs (HIV or comedications) added to the interaction checker will be assessed using the new classification. Existing drugs will be reviewed in stages either by HIV drug or by therapeutic class, with contraceptive and HRT drugs being the first group to be reviewed.
Please note, it is necessary for users of the HIV iChart app to ensure that the app (as well as the data) has been updated to the latest version so that yellow interactions can be displayed.